
Old China

Post Mao period

Watching these youtube movies it gives us a sense of how did this changes during the Mao period change the minds of the Chinese people. It is amazing that those activities done during those periods could mirror with the alternatives which the Democratic people intend to revert, of going back to nature, of rural farming and urban farming.

This film by Jen Bjerre, a rather neutral look at the changes in China, communal living, back to nature, connecting living, learning, and the production economy, with a strong sense of participation all holding up Chairman Mao as the supreme human being which all should learn from and emulate. It is an honest experimentation on social changes. We can see some of these changes seem to mirror the trend of knowledge, participation in production work and education. Another trend was that of return to nature and the Chinese's return to farming, holding up the simple agrarian life is the supreme good that the mass should aspire to lead. We see the same trend but expressed in a practical way, urban farming. He could learn from their history and postulate where the world or Singapore could go.  Watching these historical movies can give us some food for thought. 

This is an apologetic view of the modernizing China and the various experimentation that prove to create a tough life for the Chinese people. It is a period of confusion and re-evaluation. The re-alignment and unceasing grit make them what they are today. It is a 13 parts series of short snippets of about 10-20 minutes. 

This Third part was about Deng's visit to America, he saw the space center, and other states. He was very open to what he saw in America and always searching for ways to modernize. When he returned there were a lot of dissidents, they were prosecuted and held on remand and detention.

Disbanding the communal farming as the farmers were unable to produce enough for their own survival due to an overzealous promise of food production output that caused a lot of food to be paid to the central organization. Deng made a decisive move abolished the communal system. Zhao Ziyang, was put in place to modernize China and he was a good listener according to many. He and Hu Yaopang tried to advance the country but was curtailed by some conservatives. Back by Deng, they started the special economic zone in southern China, Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Xiamen and Shantou. This was in the Eighties.

The prime minister of UK visited China, Margaret Thatcher, the iron lady, to discuss the return of Hong Kong and a way to work with China. The return of Hong Kong in 1997 and the creative idea of one country two systems. There were a lot of frictions, social frictions, and foreign influence, a tussle of conservatism versus westernization. From 4 to 14 special economic zone. Deng pushed forward the reforms amid dissent.

Market economy crept into the countries, farmers started to sell their produces, their lives changed. Standard of living raised, they can afford, television, refrigerators, motorized bike, etc. The economic tide was unstoppable. They achieved a sense of freedom and mobility.

In this clip, the Chinese first rock star, Chui Jian, 崔健。A shift from the communal to the individual. A shift towards the western culture, that of individualism. People felt the power of being themselves and the progress they made were alarming and fulfilling to themselves. Demonstration happened in Beijing and Shanghai. Tiananmen demonstration broke the balance and the situation became chaotic.

The tension was settled when the students were suppressed and detained after the Tainanmen episode. China's problem of over population and population set in, the one child policy.

When Hu Yao Bang died it sparked off a violent student protest in Tiananmen. The situation was

The protest disrupted the Russian visit, Mikhail Gorbachev. The situation lasted more than three weeks. Zhao Zi Yang tried to negotiate but the crisis escalates. It becomes not just the students but workers and professional started to protests.

This shows the way the unrest is suppressed by the communist party.

Modernization continued after the cracked down. industrialization continued. The gap between the rich and poor began to widen. slowly it began to give result.

Here is another view recounted by LKY,
It is a straightforward answer and a very critical view. China is well organized competent people and eagerness. Interpretation of policy. Execution seem to be the key in China's miracle.

Answer and question session. Chinese language alone is not enough, systems and difference became the challenges.

How China can go from here. He gave example on mobile phones.

Discussion on the role of China.

Question about how Taiwan should play out.

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